The following provides guidance as to our likely costs for assisting you at each stage of the employment tribunal process. The costs below are an estimate only, unless they are stated to be a fixed fee. Obviously, each claim is different and costs will vary with the complexity of the claim and how much time we are required to spend working on it. In any event, costs will be discussed with you and an estimate will be given to you at the outset of your matter and you will be kept regularly updated regarding costs as your matter progresses.

Initial appointment – £300 plus VAT

After your initial enquiry, we will arrange a consultation with one of our experts, which will cost £300 plus VAT. During this consultation, we will discuss the matter, your chances of success and the likely costs. Following our consultation, you can either instruct us to assist further or you can confirm that you would not like any further assistance.

Acas pre-conciliation – prices start at £500 plus VAT

  • Fixed cost for negotiations (employee/claimant) – £500 plus VAT;
  • Fixed cost for negotiations and drafting any settlement agreement if settlement is reached (employer/respondent) – £750 plus VAT.

Drafting ET1 claim (employee/claimant)

For relatively straightforward matters the cost is typically between £1,000 and £1,500 plus VAT.

For more complex matters, including those that concern whistleblowing or discrimination claims, costs are typically between £1,500 and £3,000.

Drafting ET3 response (employer/respondent)

For relatively straightforward matters the cost is typically between £1,000 and £1,500 plus VAT.

For more complex matters, including those that concern whistleblowing or discrimination claims, costs are typically between £1,500 and £3,000.

Attendance and preparation for preliminary hearings

Sometimes a tribunal may order a preliminary hearing to take place. This is usually held in order to settle certain specific legal issues within the case ahead of the full hearing, or to hear an application made by either party. Cost includes preparation time and attendance.

  • Preliminary Hearing – £1,000 plus VAT.

General Case Preparation

As with all cases, there is the preparation of witness statements, collating documents and dealing with the Orders of the Tribunal/Court. It is difficult to give an exact figure, but typically costs for preparation will be between £3,000 to £6,000 plus VAT.

These costs may be higher for more complex matters, including whistleblowing and discrimination claims.

Attendance and preparation for hearing

  • Preparation and attendance at hearing is estimated at £1,500 plus VAT per day.

We may advise that counsel (a barrister) prepares for the full hearing, as costs for counsel can sometimes be cheaper depending on the complex nature of the case being brought.

Total Costs

The average costs for bringing a relatively straightforward claim for wrongful or unfair dismissal are (excluding attendance at hearing) between £5,500 plus VAT and £8,500 plus VAT.

For more complex matters, including those that concern whistleblowing or discrimination claims, the average costs for bringing a such a claim for wrongful or unfair dismissal are (excluding attendance at hearing) between £8,500 plus VAT and £12,000 plus VAT.

The average cost for defending relatively straightforward claims for wrongful or unfair dismissal (excluding attendance at hearings) range from £5,750 plus VAT to £8,750 plus VAT.

For more complex matters, including those that concern whistleblowing or discrimination claims, the average costs for defending such a claim for wrongful or unfair dismissal are (excluding attendance at hearing) between £8,750 plus VAT and £12,250 plus VAT.

How to pay our fees

There are various options available to employees looking to bring a claim when considering how to pay our fees. All of these options will be discussed during an initial appointment with us.

You may have insurance cover in place which can cover our fees. We can discuss this with you to see whether this might be an option.

Occasionally, we may consider taking on a matter on a ‘no win, no fee’ agreement. Whether we are able to offer this option depends upon the circumstances of the matter, including our views on the chances of success and the likely value of the claim. Again, whether we can offer this option and exactly how this will work, can be discussed during our initial appointment.