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Stop the Pressure Day 2022

As a Business Member of the Spinal Injuries Association (SIA), we join with them today in support of ‘Stop the Pressure Day 2022’.

This annual event takes place to raise awareness of the impact of pressure ulcers, which can become a very serious problem for those affected by a spinal cord injury (SCI).

It provides a key opportunity to talk and share knowledge about this topic, including understanding what pressure ulcers are and providing up-to-date knowledge and access to relevant healthcare services for those with a SCI, who are at a higher risk of developing this condition.

What are pressure ulcers?

The definition provided by the Spinal Injuries Association: Pressure ulcers happen when your skin is put under pressure for extended periods and your blood, which carries oxygen and nutrients around the body, can’t get to that area, creating a build-up of waste products. This can lead to breaks in the skin and serious infections if left untreated.

As spinal injury claim solicitors, Fosters Solicitors supports people with spinal cord injuries and understands the importance of preventative knowledge and care to avoid pressure ulcers and their potential complications.

We therefore welcome this opportunity to share the really important information the SIA have compiled about how to prevent pressure ulcers, which can be found on their website. There’s also some really informative videos and stories from specialists and those affected by SCI sharing their first-hand experiences. You can also follow the hashtag #dontsitonit on social media, to view and share this important messaging.

This article was produced on the 17th November 2022 by our Personal Injury & Group Actions team for information purposes only and should not be construed or relied upon as specific legal advice.